Cloud Spectator Benchmarks 2020
IONOS Cloud wins the battle
  • Best storage performance compared to AWS, Azure and Google
  • Best price-performance ratio for SSD Storage and Premium
  • Great performance advantages for both random read and random write
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Cloud Spectator Benchmark Results

Cloud Storage Performance Analysis 2020

IONOS Cloud SSD Storage compared to AWS, Google and Azure

Cloud Spectator, a US company who specialises in consulting and benchmarking cloud computing, has put cloud providers to the test. The goal: to help customers find transparency in the IaaS cloud market. In August 2020, the Cloud Spectator testers compared solutions from IONOS Cloud, AWS, Google Compute Engine and Microsoft Azure.The random read and random write performance of the two cloud storage categories Standard SSD and Premium SSD were measured. Premium SSD products are those with dedicated Provisioned IOPS.

Key results:

  • IONOS Cloud Compute Engine offers the best price-performance ratio for SSD-based block storage.
  • IONOS Cloud SSD performance classes offer the best overall random read and write performance.
  • Cloud Spectator reveals particularly high hidden IOPS costs for some cloud providers. All benchmark results and details of the large cloud flash storage comparison test can be found in the 15-page Cloud Spectator report.

Publisher: Cloud Spectator

Length: 15 pages

Language: English

Published on: Sept 2020

Cloud Storage Performance

IONOS Cloud performs 1.5x better than AWS, 2x better than Google and 9.2x better than Azure.

IONOS Cloud offers 56% more value per Euro than Google.

AWS has good write performance, but high costs for Provisioned IO.

Simplified Cloud Spectator bar chart showing that IONOS premium storage performs better than the competition