Cloud Mercato Benchmark

Save on computing cost with price performance leader

  • vCPU based VMs 50% cheaper than hyperscalers
  • Dependable reliability with SLA 99.95% uptime
  • Uncompromising data protection with 100% GDPR compliance
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Download the full expert benchmark report

Cloud Mercato, known for their cloud benchmarking expertise, conducted their standard tests on IONOS Cloud IaaS solutions, comparing them to leading hyperscalers. They’ve summarised their findings in an 11-page report, which offers insights valuable for SMBs and mid-sized companies aiming to manage IT expenses more effectively. You can also directly learn more about the Cloud Mercato project.

The 11 page report includes:

  • IONOS vCPU servers lead in compute price-performance ratio
  • IONOS S3 Storage positioned as price leader
  • SYSbench CPU test summary

Publisher: Cloud Mercato and IONOS

Reading time: 8 minutes

Published: June 2024

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Get started with the IONOS Cloud

  1. Quick registration: Create your admin account in just a few simple steps. It's secured with 2-factor authentication.

  2. Simple setup: Configure your servers, memory and network connections via drag and drop in the Data Center Designer or API.

  3. Ready to go: Once the configuration of your virtual data centre is finished, you can start operating within a few minutes.

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