White paper

IT security in the cloud redefined

Preventing complex network attacks effectively

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White Paper

IT security in the cloud redefined

Preventing complex network attacks effectively

Preventing complex network attacks effectively

As digitization progresses, the risks of IT systems or components of the Internet of Things getting attacked are growing. Viruses, Trojans, malware, complex ransomware and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks can threaten the very existence of a company. With the help of the cloud, a high level of protection can be realized for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). IONOS shows you how!

This white paper illustrates:

  • Which threats you are currently exposed to.
  • Insight into which systems are particularly affected.
  • What protective measures to put in place.
  • The role of the cloud in securing data and systems - preventively and mitigatively.
  • How to prevent emergencies by using backup and recovery.

Publisher: IONOS Cloud Ltd. ​​Volume: 21 pages Published: 2022